The lust of the flesh is a self-centered perspective that will create discontent with the things God has blessed you with. It can turn what was once miraculous into yesterday’s news. How have you seen this materialize in your life or someone you’re close to? Knowing that it was birthed from fleshly lust, how do you think that could be avoided next time?
If we aren’t careful where we turn our eyes, we can find ourselves desiring things that wouldn’t have crossed our minds. Whether it’s something like your favorite snacks when your doctor has you on a strict diet or something like a sexual partner other than your spouse, Satan is always looking for a way to bait us into stepping away from what God has for us. What are some boundaries people could put in place to protect against this danger?
Pride is one of the most dangerous things to our spirit. It is widely attributed as being at the core of Satan’s behavior. His pride wouldn’t allow him to be satisfied with someone else getting adoration. What is an area of your life that pride often sneaks its way in? What is something you can do to help combat it?