It can be tempting to shrink back when difficulties arise but to truly step into what God has for us, we must show up. And continue to show up. God uses adversity to develop and sharpen us so that when our time comes, we’re battle-tested to reach the next level. What is something you’re experiencing that you initially felt God called you into, but you’ve been tempted to quit? What do you think God is trying to teach you as you go through this?
We all have a calling for our lives, but God often wants to see us develop into our anointing. David didn't become king until 13 years after being anointed. Moses was a shepherd in a foreign land for 40 years before becoming the deliverer we all know him as. What is something that you feel like God has anointed you to do? What is one thing you could do to make sure that you’re equipped to step into it when the time comes?
One of the time-tested ways to pour into someone else is at the table. Middle Eastern cultures (the context in which Jesus grew up) place high value on hospitality as a way to bless others, build relationships, and a host of other things. Who is someone in your life you could consider inviting to your home to share a meal with and be a blessing?