1. In Psalm 23:2, David says the Good Shepherd “leadeth me beside the still waters.” This speaks to the peace made available if we follow Jesus’ lead. Sometimes, we try to find peace in things that are temporary fixes to prop us up. These quick fixes are always unstable and can often leave us worse off than we were before. What is something (worldly) you turn to for immediate but temporary relief from life’s stress? What is something (spiritual) that would help give you more permanent peace?
2. We live in a hurried world where we expect our internet to be at the speed of light and God’s blessings to be even faster. But God and His peace have a pace. In the book, “Three Mile an Hour God,” the author theorizes that this pace is slow, like the average walking speed of a human slow. What is an area of your life where you constantly feel rushed or stressed? What small practice can you start this week to allow yourself to slow down?
3. It can be easy to fall into the trap of worrying about what’s waiting for us on the other side of a decision or chosen path. But there are things in life we don’t have any control over and things we won’t know until we get to heaven. It’s hard to love people well when we’re too focused on what’s around the corner or trying to manipulate the outcomes of our decisions (and sometimes the decisions of others!). We love God and others better when we allow ourselves to be present. What is one relationship you could be more present for? What is something you can do this week to help you grow in being present for that relationship?
Here are the quotes:
“When life is too fast, God wants you to slow down”
“God wants you to be a partaker of His peace”
“God wants me to be full and satisfied”
“We always have to allow Him to set the pace”
“Peace isn’t packaged in a pill”
“Let God be God and accept that we’re not God”