1. It’s natural to think that love is whatever was modeled to us as we grew up. Thankfully, God came in the form of man to provide us a perfect example of what love actually is to us. Some of us were blessed to be in a home that had mature love on display regularly, and some had to look elsewhere if they wanted to see healthy versions of love. Who in your life has been a consistent example of the type of love Jesus displayed? What set them apart from others?
2. Love is patient and kind, and much to our dismay, love is not petty. Some of us have a short fuse and can quickly give people a piece of our mind. Others may be long-tempered, but when we go off, we let people know every harm they’ve done to us in the last 20 years. Lord help those of us who are both! But the Word tells us that our love for others should drive us to not only be slow to anger but when we do find ourselves in a situation where we are justly upset, to still be kind to those who have caused harm. In what ways could you grow in how you love others?