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"Seeing the Goodness of God Through Prayer & Fasting"

  1. Fasting and praying are ultimately about reconnecting with God, so sometimes He lets us get overwhelmed by our circumstances to connect us to a personwho can help or encourage us to reconnect with Him. The Bible has several examples of God’s people praying and fasting before big decisions, seeking His guidance. By covering our mouths in the physical, we can open our ears in the spiritual realm. What upcoming big decision could you use God’s guidance on?

  2. Fasting allows us to rely less on our strength, better equipping us to draw from God’s strength. Temptations will inevitably come in every aspect of our lives, but if we let Him, God is more than happy to give us the strength to not give in to them. Can you share a time you were tempted to do something you knew you shouldn’t have, but God provided the strength to say no? What has been tempting you lately that you could use God’s help to find a way out?

  3. Fasting and prayer are more than just eating less (if you eat at all) and praying a few more times a day. It can and should also be a time to increase how much we care for the marginalized. What is a marginalized group that God has been putting on your heart? What is one thing you can do in the next month to show tangible care for them? 


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