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Saved to Serve

1. Jesus didn't save us so we could kick our feet up and wait for His return. He did it so we could serve others, much like He did throughout His earthly ministry. We all can help others, but sometimes we allow busyness, self-doubt, past hurts, and more to keep us from serving in some capacity. Do you think you're operating at your maximum ability to help others? If not, what’s preventing you from fulfilling your potential? If you are, what are some things you could do to increase your capacity?

2. When we’re committed to something, we participate even when we don’t feel like it. It’s not always convenient or enjoyable to take care of our loved ones or to go to work, but we’re committed to it in large part because the alternative is even less desirable. When we're not serving, God's best for us lies dormant, and that's not something any of us should want. Can you share about the last time you helped someone even when you didn't feel like it? What was the outcome of your decision to push past that inconvenience?

3. Sometimes serving people isn’t just about helping them get out of whatever situation they’re in, but it’s about helping you grow. That’s probably why God always has us dealing with at least one person we don’t like because they help us show where we can still be a little immature in our faith. Serving complicated people can get messy, but we move closer to God when we wade through the messiness, so we can still fulfill the mission we were called to do. Can you share about a time you had to constantly deal with a difficult person, but you learned valuable lessons about yourself and your relationship with God because of it?


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