Everyone has done things in the past that they’re not exactly proud of. Something that we wish we could forget, and in some cases, things other people won’t let us forget. But in that, our past can also be used to glorify what God has done in our lives. Our testimony is an important tool in trying to bring others to Christ. When was the last time you shared your testimony with someone else? Who is someone in your life you think could benefit from hearing it?
Baptism is a public expression of our faith in Jesus Christ. Similar to a graduation ceremony for a student or even a wedding ring for a married couple. A physical representation of what happens in the spirit when we accept Jesus. If you’ve been baptized, what was life like before and after? If you haven’t been baptized, what is one thing that is giving you pause?
Baptism shouldn’t be the pinnacle of our walk with Jesus. Our commitment to follow Jesus comes with a responsibility to grow and develop into who God has designed us to be. But He's right there with us the whole time. How does knowing Jesus is always there impact how you navigate life?
* "Baptism is a public declaration of your life in Christ"
* "Christ is saying I'm right there with you"
* "Christianity is not perfection, it's growing, developing..."