Humility is not a characteristic that gets discussed very often, so it can be easy to misunderstand what it is and looks like. As C.S. Lewis said, “Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less.” God has a purpose for each of us, but to step into it, we must have a primary attitude of humility. Otherwise, we will inevitably begin to put ourselves in a place not meant for us. Who is someone you’ve met who exemplified this well?
Humility does not come naturally to us, so we must put it on every day. We will all be humbled someday, down on a knee before the one true King. If we don’t humble ourselves, God will. But just because it’s true doesn’t mean it will come easily for us. What is something you find to be challenging about putting on humility?
Jesus is the ultimate example of humility. Despite knowing He had created the earth and that at any time He could have done away with any of His adversaries, He didn’t allow it to change His posture towards us. In fact, He humbled Himself to the point He would spend time with those that most others deemed too low to be full members of society. Can you share a time when you witnessed a great act of humility? What was the lasting impact it had on you?