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Train up a child in the way he should go;

even when he is old he will not depart from it.

- Proverbs 22:6



.....where the meaning of fun 

brings on a whole new meaning...



Upon arrival, you and your kid(s) will be greeted and directed to the children's church area.  One of our volunteers will check your kid(s) in and gain valuable knowledge to ensure proper care. Safety is always a top priority at IMPACTKIDZ!


Kidz Check-In

When you check-in your child at the IMPACTKidz check-in station you will be given a code tag that matches the name tag that your child will wear. The only person who may pick up your child is the person who holds the matching code tag. The safety of your child is of the utmost importance. Check-in begins at 10:15am and ends at 11:00am.


Engaging Lessons

IMPACTKidz includes children ages 1 through 12. Children are able to build their faith through biblical teachings by way of stories, crafts, and song.  Each class begins with praise and worship!!!

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©2025 IMPACT Community Church

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